Solar Farm Projects and Investment Opportunities

Low Carbon follows a well-defined and structured process in developing high-quality, large-scale solar projects, offering opportunities for investing in solar energy to support sustainable power generation.

Our solar park development investment process

Each solar park must go through a rigorous planning procedure before they can be approved for construction. Low Carbon follows a well-defined and structured process in developing high-quality, large-scale solar projects. This process takes into account factors such as the suitability of the specific site, any potential impact on the area and relevant renewable energy targets.

The entire development process takes no more than one to three years to complete with Low Carbon managing the entire process.

1. Land assessment: We work with landowners to evaluate the available land’s suitability for solar development alongside an assessment of potential grid availability.

2. Grid connection: With agreement from the landowner, we apply for a no obligation grid connection on the identified land.

3. Planning: With an option-to-lease agreement in place with the landowner, Low Carbon will undertake a full planning application for the agreed site.

4. Construction: Once planning is completed and with a grid connection confirmed, Low Carbon will initiate the construction of the solar park.

5. Operational asset management: Once the site has been constructed, fully tested and successfully commissioned, the solar park becomes fully operational. All asset management duties are managed by Low Carbon’s dedicated asset management team.

Benefits of solar

Solar energy is a well-established and proven renewable technology. Solar parks make virtually no noise, they have no moving parts, and have relatively low maintenance requirements. Solar parks generate power onsite and feed into the local electricity grid using a free source of energy – the sun – to generate electricity on bright cloudy days and in direct sunlight.

Solar parks are a temporary and reversible use of land and provide an increased, diversified and stable source of income for landowners.

For landowners considering investing in solar energy, hosting a solar park on their property offers several tangible benefits, including:

  • Benefit from new, diversified annual income streams
  • This could enable landowners to successfully secure financing for future business or family needs
  • Solar panels occupy a relatively small space.
  • Landowners are encouraged to continue livestock grazing enabling landowners to productively use the land within the solar park
  • Solar parks provide an excellent opportunity to seed the areas around the panels with grazing grass mixes and wildflowers, providing protected habitats for bees and other pollinators
  • Rental income derived from solar is considered a favourable revenue stream by banks and lenders

Biodiversity and land management

Low Carbon commissioned its first solar energy parks in July 2011. Since then, across our UK-wide portfolio of renewable energy projects, we have championed biodiversity as a critical milestone on the journey towards a low-carbon future. Our biodiversity management expertise ensures that our projects contribute to clean energy and support the protection and enhancement of local biodiversity.

Our dedicated renewable energy asset management team works with landowners and developers to implement comprehensive land management programmes at all our solar parks. Each aligns with the conditions and circumstances unique to its site. Many of our solar parks are grazed by sheep or combined with other farming practices. Solar parks are a nature-friendly way of generating clean power for the grid while supporting precious wildlife such as honeybees and pollinators.