Hope Solar Park

Altitude and flat terrain enables Hope to benefit fully from north Cornwall’s bountiful solar irradiation. A dual-use site on ex-arable farmland close to the regenerated town of Hayle, little is seen externally, the site is screened by indigenous hedgerows in which varieties of fauna can flourish.

The land co-locates solar energy and pollinators – both honey bee apiaries and wild pollinators, through managing sites as species-rich grasslands - view more about the benefit of honey bees.

Hope Solar Park provides funds to the Gwinear Gwithian Sustainable Community Fund (GGSCF); a community benefit charity which offers funding to the parish for local projects which improve the sustainability of the community. There are two rounds of funding each year that community groups can apply for. For more information on eligibility and local funding applications visit www.ggscf.org.uk

Site Status




Annual Production (MWH)


Capacity (MW)


Households powered per annum


CO2 emissions avoided (tonnes per annum)
